“Push Me” is an easy accesible platform that connects people in an unconventional way. It’s a new medium, where users create their own content and meanings and where new unique conventions will originate.
How does it work?
The foundation of the Push Me concept is a hexagonal tile with 19 luminous LED buttons. By pushing the button each tile can change one or more colors. Each tile has a ‘live’ connection to one or more identical tiles, fysically in different places, where they are each other’s mirror image. This concept can easily be expanded, so it’s possible to connect several places and communities throughout the world. As such Push Me becomes an growing, organic social electronic entity.
Paul Klotz
“Push Me!” is an initiative of Paul Klotz from LED-Art and is developed with financial support of the Provence Overijssel in Holland within the scope of Art E-motion. The hardware and software is developed by KITT Engineering.